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About Me

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Hi! I'm Jordan

 Here is a little bit of my story, and what led me to begin this journey of rediscovering the magic of my life in hopes of helping other mamas do the same.


In the trenches of motherhood, I have realized a few irrevocable truths. We live in a world where binkies vanish into thin air, poo blowouts are inevitable, toddlers are ruthless, “leakproof” sippy cups are rarely true to their name, the smell of vomit is impossible to remove from a car seat, and being a mother is the hardest job I have ever had. 


Over the last decade, the words, “What the hell? No one told me it would be like this!” have crossed my mind or exited my mouth more times than I can count. 


During this time I’ve experienced high-risk pregnancies, preemie births, caring for babies with health problems, run-ins with postpartum depression, and a surprise conception that resulted in two little snugglets born exactly 15 months apart- to the day. 


Suffice it to say, it has been a RIDE. A ride I had known for as long as I could remember that I wanted to take. It was my purpose to be a mom, and it still is. I wouldn’t trade it for anything- but don’t ask me to confirm that when all three kids are screaming and trying to wage a war on each other with pantry doors or toy cars.


The reality that slams into me time and again is how completely unprepared I was for the need to be strong and stable in my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. I had no idea how necessary it would be to provide for myself and feed my own soul in order to be even remotely capable of showing up for my babies. 


It was a stark realization to find out that it is not up to my children to feed my soul, nor should they be put in a position to feel they need to. I am their mother, and as it turns out, in learning to be a nurturing parent to them, I had to learn to nurture and care for the terrified little girl still rattling around inside of me. 


Not having a foundation of health in every way and becoming a mother is like showing up to run a marathon right after giving birth at the end of a four-month-long hospital bed rest. Not only would it have been impossible, it would have been a fairly ugly, chaotic mess for everyone involved. 


The same goes for parenting without the compass of spirituality, emotional stability, and a little bit of physical and mental stamina to get us through the never-ending night of the colicky baby. 


One of the most difficult and rewarding things I’ve had to do besides hold on for dear life on this insane motherhood ride has been caring for my holistic health and carving out time and resources for myself. 


This led me to this blog, and to the uncertain path of embarking on yet another birth- lord no, I’m not pregnant again! I’m talking about the birth of a dream. Just as terrifying, but hopefully just as rewarding. 


My dream is to bring laughter, inspiration, spiritual resources, and intuitive life coaching into the world of moms like me. Caring for ourselves should be accessible. It should be fun. It should be less like another check mark on our endless to do list and more like a sweet, sunny spring day after a long and frozen winter. 


Discovering ourselves, finding what lies beneath the title of mom, career woman, taxi driver, and chef- that is where the magic is. That is where our lights still shine bright enough to guide our children into a joy and laughter-filled home. 


This blog and my coaching practice are about just that- finding fulfillment, nourishment, inspiration, spiritual connection. Rejuvenating ourselves and reimaging our lives, finding that spark of joy that still burns within every mother, no matter how exhausted she is. 


It is in finding the spark, the magic, the purpose of our spirits that we are made able to guide our children toward their own life fulfilling, soul-nourishing, wisdom empowered futures.


I can’t wait for you all to join me on this journey forward to ourselves.


Because let’s face it- mommy needs a minute, and we could all use a little more MAGIC. 


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